Liberal Democrats in Business

News and views from the Lib Dem Trade and Industry Team, Vince Cable and Brian Cotter

Liberate To Innovate: Business Needs Freedom - Bruce

1.25.00pm GMT Wed 17th Dec 2003

Malcolm Bruce MP Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary

The Government's strategy to boost innovation in British business has been launched today alongside admissions that the Government's procurement practices could be stifling the very sector they are seeking to help.

Patricia Hewitt admitted that the Government habitually dictate terms, instead of asking British innovators for creative solutions.

Commenting on today's announcement of £109bn to boost innovation in British business, Malcolm Bruce MP Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary, said: "In reality the proper role of Government is to stimulate blue skies research and liberate business to innovate, rather than try to second guess the marketplace."

"We welcome the Government's recognition that their procurement policy for the £109 billion Government spend has been applied in a way that could stifle, rather than encourage, innovation and should be reassessed accordingly."

"It is however questionable whether Government has the means to promote innovation. Micromanagement could create more bureaucracy and obstacles than it removes."

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[Previous story]: Over 3/4 Million Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Labour Came To Power - Holmes (Wed 17th Dec 2003).
[Next story]: Credit Card Report Blows Gaff On Unnacceptable Practices (Thu 18th Dec 2003).
[Other news stories from December 2003 (21)]

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