Liberal Democrats in Business

News and views from the Lib Dem Treasury, Trade and Industry Teams and Business Forum

Productivity Gap: Set Business Free To Invest

6.13.56pm GMT Mon 24th Nov 2003

Commenting on the No. 10 Strategy paper that highlight productivity as an issue that is holding Britain back, Malcolm Bruce MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary, said: "A combination of gold-plated regulation and an ever more complicated tax system is preventing British business' drive for competitive productivity levels."

"Britons work the longest hours in Europe, but our businesses are still being held back. Business needs to be free to invest and innovate. Business should be spending less time filing Government returns and more time investing in staff, training and equipment."

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[Previous story]: CBI Survey: No Room For Complacency In Manufacturing (Mon 24th Nov 2003).
[Next story]: Reassuring Growth Masks Underlying Economic Problems (Thu 27th Nov 2003).
[Other news stories from November 2003 (41)]

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