Liberal Democrats in Business

News and views from the Lib Dem Treasury, Trade and Industry Teams and Business Forum

CBI Survey: No Room For Complacency In Manufacturing

5.19.20pm GMT Mon 24th Nov 2003

Malcolm Bruce MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary

Commenting on this morning's CBI Manufacturing Survey, Malcolm Bruce MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary, said:"Encouraging signs for export order books at a 18 month high will give consumer goods companies a bit of festive cheer this year."

"But with 37% of manufactures still seeing total orders below normal and only 13% above normal, this small boost for order books leaves no room for complacency."

"The record trade deficits show that manufacturers still have a mountain to climb and they are barely in the foothills at the moment."

"Manufacturers still require a breather from the tax complications that are holding them back and the red tape that is taking up their energy."

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[Previous story]: ¼ Of Final Salary Schemes Close: Pension Time Bomb Still Ticking (Thu 20th Nov 2003).
[Next story]: Productivity Gap: Set Business Free To Invest (Mon 24th Nov 2003).
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