Liberal Democrats in Business

News and views from the Lib Dem Trade and Industry Team, Vince Cable and Brian Cotter

Set Business Free To Make Britain Competitive

10.56.19am GMT Mon 17th Nov 2003

Responding to comments by Digby Jones, CBI Director-General, that Government policies are making Britain a less attractive place to do business, Malcolm Bruce MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow DTI Secretary, pointed to recent surveys showing Britain's army of small business people are turning to the Liberal Democrats for answers.

The last Office World Quarterly Survey published in November shows that support for the Liberal Democrats up points to almost 22% at the expense of the Government whose support dropped to 12%.

The survey carried out by the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University shows that in this traditionally Conservative supporting group, the Lib Dems are neck and neck with the Tories in London, and hot on their heels in the East Midlands. Only in Wales does the Government out poll the Lib Dems.

Malcolm Bruce said: "Britain is still an attractive place to do business, but constant vigilance is required on the amount of regulation and business taxation to ensure British industry remains competitive."

"With EU enlargement imminent, the Government must act to ensure British investment and competitiveness is enhanced. There should be sunset clauses on all new regulation so that the Government must justify any continuation, and business get a regular chance to argue for removal."

"Flexible regulation, less government interference, and greater innovation would be the watchwords of a Liberal Democrat enterprise policy. What industry needs is not handouts, but a vibrant, educated workforce and a strong, reliable infrastructure. Small business people are beginning to recognise that the Lib Dems offer a fresh and invigorating approach."


Notes To Editors

Further information from the Office World Survey can be found from: Chris Wright/Jill Dallas, WSM Wordsworth Ltd., 020 7636 2252

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Published and promoted by Liberal Democrats in Business, 4 Cowley Street, London SW1P 3NB.
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